Arts Over Odds (AOO) is an arts based nonprofit organization that focuses on providing arts education for youth and young adults living with health disorders. 

As of now, programming will be held at the Stax Music Academy. Transportation will not be provided, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to get students to and from classes.

Students do not have to audition to be apart of our programming. We just ask that the student have a genuine interest in studying the specific art form they are interested in. 

As of now our programming will be offered to the Memphis, TN, and surrounding area students who will be participating in in-person classes, with some virtual classes being offered for certain classes and programs. 

Our programs will be offered to students ages 11-18. 

For our 5 week programs, the full 5 week tuition is $350. If you aren’t attending all classes during the 5 week program you’d pay $40 for each class you attend. 

As of now, our organization doesn’t offer scholarships or financial aid, but as our programming and services grow we do plan to offer them. 

We will have virtual classes set up for certain programs and classes to be determined by the teacher and staff.

We will have specific programming for young adults 18-24 and potentially older adults in the future as programming progress.